Welcome to Belvedere Preschool where we dream, play and learn together.
Why Belvedere ?
We are very proud of the warm and welcoming home atmosphere we provide not only our students but our parents as well. We provide bright airy rooms for the students, indoor play area and secluded outdoor activities. We reassure our parents by allowing them to
walk-in and watch their children on our screens as each class has a camera to make sure the students and parents feel safe at all times.
Our Staff
At Belvedere Preschool we believe it is essential to ensure the best possible care is being provided. Our Preschool Director is always at the Preschool to ensure that best practice is being adhered to, and to support the Preschool staff with any issues or questions they may have.
Belvedere Preschool is committed to training and developing the capable staff we recruit, we have monthly professional development training for staff. Training not only keeps our employees up to date on the latest childcare developments, but also empowers and inspires them to be the best teacher for your child. Belvedere Preschool we find it paramount to hire British teachers for English and Jordanian teachers for Arabic. We make sure our teachers are educated in early childhood development.

Your Children
We try to ensure our students happiness daily by starting our day with morning assembly where our students pelage allegiance to Kuwait’s flag, recite the Quran, sing along with their teachers enjoyable Preschool rhymes, and then end assembly by singing our famous Belvedere song!
At Belvedere Preschool we strongly believe in helping our students build character. We teach our students at very young age the importance of sharing and expressing their feelings in a kind and healthy manor. All the while teaching them the importance of responsibilities within their classroom and play areas. We teach them to the rules of the classroom and how to play with their peers. As our students are English Language Learners we focus on building up their confidence to not only speak English but to learn to speak English in front of others.
We ensure our students safety by making sure they are constantly supervised by teachers or teaching assistants. For hygiene purposes we make sure our students constantly wash their hands and faces. We encourage all of our students to eat healthy as we are a chocolate and nut free school. As for surveillance we have ensured that every classroom and play area is video recorded at all times. The safely of our students is our #1 concern if anything were to happened to a student during school times we have a full time nurse who will see to the students need and inform admin who will instantly call their parents to reassure them of their safety.
Our Results Speak for themsleves !
Belvedere Preschool opened in 2018 and here is our success rate!